
VDIS Sales

If you are interested in our VDIS software suite, please fill out a contact form at

Custom Software Development

Let us develop a software solution to precisely address your needs. No job is too big or too small, our team will exceed your expectations. Our proven approach is as follows:

  1. Detailed Requirements Analysis: During this stage, we perform the necessary analysis to determine all the fine details of what needs to be included in the product. This may involve meetings and discussions with stakeholders as well as research into technical capabilities of systems for integration.
  2. Conceptual Design: During this stage, screen layouts and simulation demos may be provided to the customer to demonstrate what the users will see and how they will interact with the system.
  3. Construction: During this stage, the actual working product is built and unit tested.
  4. Beta Testing: During this stage, the customer will assign users to test initial releases of the system to ensure stability and completeness. Refinements are made to address issues and bring the product into customer acceptance.
  5. Production Implementation: This stage completes the development project, and the software is ready to be used by the customer.

Mobile Apps - iOS, Android, Windows

These days, everone has an Apple iPhone, iPad, Android phone, Android tablet, Microsoft Surface, etc. These devices can be extremely valuable in enabling apps that improve employee efficiency, safety, morale, and many other aspects of business. Let's discuss what types of applications would make a difference for your business, then build a user friendly solution that ties in with your internal systems.

Let your employees take important items with them and update your main system while still away from the office. This will reduce errors and improve timeliness of data for important tasks and decision making.

Integration Services

We know that it can be laborious to enter the same data into multiple systems. By creating integration solutions, we can ease the pain of redundant data management by automating the synchronizaion of these data elements.

Perhaps you need to send your managers weekly reports using data from another system. An integration service can extract the necessary data on a periodic basis, format it, and email it to your managers.

There are too many scenarios where an integration service could be beneficial to list them all here. If you have a need, let's talk about what we can do to make things easier and more efficient for you.


Knowing where your employees and assets are geographically can provide gains in operational efficiency and safety. We have integrated with numerous tracking systems, so you are not stuck having to use one specific system. Because of our extensive experience with integrating these types of products, we can quickly build an integration service to work with your tracking system of choice.


Information technology has so many bits and pieces that it can be difficult to keep them all straight. Who do you call for a certain IT issue you have? If you need someone to quarterback your IT project, we are happy to chat about your needs and bring in the right technical resources for a successful project.